Monday, June 18, 2012

Searching - Snapshot Reveal

Welcome back to Monday. :) It's lovely out here today. My now-3-year-old is begging to go outside so I need to post this quick. If you have a prompt-inspired story to share, make sure to link it to the original post. For now, here's my interpretation.



Sienna rested on the thick grass, staring up at the blue sky. The only mark within sight was a thin jet-stream and even that was fading on the wind. She wished she could be on the plane that left that mark. Sienna didn't care where it was headed. Anywhere would be better than here.

"You missed a very interesting tour," her grandmother announced, walking her way from the concrete path. Sienna turned her head to watch the old lady approach.

"That building gives me a headache just looking at it."

My Favorite Castle"It isn't orange and pink on the inside," her grandmother grunted as she lowered her body to the ground. "You could have been gaudy free for a whole hour."

"Oh. So nothing inside was gaudy?" Grandma Wen chuckled, wiggling a bit until she came to a comfortable position.

"What's so interesting out here?"

Sienna thought about her grandmother's question, her quick answer being a shrug.

"It's peaceful," she answered. Grandma Wen's forehead wrinkled in surprise.

"You hear the same kiddo shrieks that I do, don't you?" she asked, gesturing to a group of kids picnicking across the lawn.

"Background noise," Sienna dismissed. "Besides, it's not down here that's peaceful."

"Ah." Grandma Wen's reply was soft and sad. Sienna had been staring at the sky a lot, lately, ever since her mother had died of breast cancer.

"She's happy today," Sienna whispered, blinking quick and fast. Her tears still fell down, resting in the curves of her ears.

The two sat together, the world muted to their ears as they watched the empty sky.

"Let's go," Grandma Wen finally announced. "I'll need your help up. I think I saw one of those ice cream carts somewhere in this park."

Sienna was up quickly, drying her ears on her shoulders before they went in search for a little something sweet in their lives.


  1. Awww what a good story. I was totally with that moment and it even brought tears to my eyes. Very good job!

    1. Thank you. :) I've been reading a few books lately about teen girls who have lost their moms in different ways - through drugs or death. It was something I wanted to explore a little myself through this story, just to see how it felt to write.

  2. Carrie--that was such a sweet story and I like the way the building was the backdrop, not the main character. Good job.

    1. :) Thank you. I try to use the photo as off-center as possible for a bit of a challenge.


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